Well, its been quiet out here after the hustle and bustle of New Britain. Dropped a shipment of ionic capacitors three standard days ago. Busy place at any time cycle, and hell to get this tug into and out of.
Had to stop and get fuel rods. It's getting almost too expensive to be a Driver these days. Neutrino fuel rods go for close to a million credits a pop, and of course i needed a full complement of 8 rods, as i was on the last one from my last fuel stop.
Its times like this I thank the maker that I'm a company man and my employer picks up the fuel tab. Course i get stuck with any tow or repair bills, and out here that's not as easy as picking up a phone and dialing 1-800-Tow-Truck.
But this old star class freighter is all but bullet proof. Been through a lot me and this old tug. I've looked at newer models, but when you get to be my age, change isn't easy, and out here in the black, familiarity might just be the difference between living another day and becoming a popsicle.
Yesterday i picked up a load headed for the Colony on Io. Damn hard place to live, but colonists are an odd bunch. Manifest states its medical supplies, but we all know that is just code for booze. Course the STA ( System Transit Authority ) either isn't aware of this, or turns a blind eye. Not that it matters to me. Interstellar transportation of unsanctioned alcohol might cost a driver his Class A. Thankfully, it hasn't, yet.
Been pushing up-well for five days, and I'm 16 standard days out from Io. Load is due at the end of the month and ETA shows a few days early. That'l make both my dispatcher and the colony happy.
Welp... time to log off and catch some sleep. Still not use to the time cycle out here, and its taking its toll.
Logging off duty and logging sleeper time Driver Hal Johnson, out.
2634-08- 18
I should not have said that. Knew it would be bad luck. Now I am stuck with a blown grav drive, a stalled reactor, and I'm waiting for a tow... from 1-800-Tow-Truck. 3 days they said. 3 bloody days! Thankfully life support is on a separate, smaller reactor, that can sustain life for weeks at a time.
This is what I get for making jokes, I guess. Hell I needed a breather anyway. This hopefully wont put me behind too much. I'm still coasting and on coarse, so even though I'm losing time, it won't be as much as being dead in the water. Said they will pick me up close to the Jovian system. The shop I'm being tractor-ed to is on Callisto, so that even puts me close to delivery, accept Io is on the opposite side of Jupiter in it's orbit. At least the shop said they have the part in stock, and can re-fire my reactor, so here's hoping for only a week lost.
This poor old tug is nearly as old as I am, and probably should have been earth docked years ago. Still, like me, she just keeps chuggin. Well till today that is.
Logging off duty and logging sleeper time. Driver Hal Johnson out
Archivists note. These Drivers Logs started coming in along a secondary sync channel on an old Entangled Communications (EC) unit. The unit is also the source of another unknown source data stream labeled Log Entries in a separate archive.
It is the suspicion of the technicians that the events that the Log Entries individual underwent, as they fell through the between, caused a quantum echo fluctuation that resulted in the units secondary channel becoming entangled with an EC unit used by the author of the Drivers Logs.
The hypothesis is that, once that became true, the Log Entries systems assumed it was an incoming data stream from one of the many satellites that had been set up and dropped the Drivers logs into a file to be uploaded, just like the Log Entries.