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Welcome to my little corner of the universe.

I am D.C. Ballard.

Author. Tabletop Game Master.

Husband. Father. Pet Papa.

Certified and Proud Mega-Nerd. 

I write Sci-Fi/Sci-Fan, and Sci-Fi Erotica.

Any NSFW posts will be clearly marked, and any of the NAUGHTY stuff will be after the fold.


Here in this blog I will share with you, oh weary wanderer of the Internets, some of my creative endeavors.

There will be at least two ongoing, if not always regularly updated, stories. I will also post the occasional teaser and snippet from my other work, including published, and not yet published work.

>> All Content is © D.C.Ballard 2019 <<

>> All Images are to my knowledge, CC0 and are sourced from unless otherwise noted. <<

Frydai's Log 3

Writer: D.C. BallardD.C. Ballard

A view of the surf and waves from the nearby beach. The sound is soothing and helps me think.

Something hit me as I was doing my last log. I went back and read it, and saw it again. Writing these has been really good for me, even Clar and Hearl have said so. I referred to myself as Kel's son, and while that is true from an adoptive stand point, I'd never really felt it. Not until just then.

It is quite the revelation to me. Writing these logs, watching Kel interact with Clar and Hearl using the drone. They had dinner one night, and I had the drone sitting in the rafters on a slow charge. I heard them talking, about me, and I had to fly the drone down and so I could join the conversation. Didn't take Kel by surprise, but Clar and Hearl were a bit shocked. Still, it was a good discussion.

My recovery is done, and I found that I needed some time to think. I'm more like Kel in that way. Sometimes I need a few minutes, or hours, to myself. Went all the way out to the bridge point, where the cove ends, and the shore wraps around to a less protected, but long and gorgeous beach. I've gone there a few times to think and watch the waves. I need to take Clar and Hearl there for a day trip.

Despite my ribbing, Kel found someone that they really hit it off with. Kel deserves the best, and Merd is that. Unlike Clar, Hearl, and I, Kel and Merd didn't retreat strait to the bedroom like we did. But we are young, and hormones were clearly part of our initial meetings. With them, it was more mature, and they talked for hours. Merd just listening, enraptured by Kel's stories, and Kel equally entranced by Merd's descriptions of life in the village before Kel's arrival.

I'm so proud of my mates, and how they have helped Merd quickly learn some of Kel's mannerisms. Teaching her how to read Kel's mood, as they don't have our more expressive ears, whiskers, and nose. Clar and Hearl really stepped up. Kel and Merd have gone on a little trip, and I think it will be good for them both. Time away from everything, including me and my mates. A chance to get to know each other.

I was tempted to send a drone along to keep an eye on them. I didn't. They are not that far away, and it isn't as if Kel or Merd cannot call for help if they need it.

That leaves me in charge, and I've got the printers doing parts for a shuttle. I should have it half printed by the time Kel and Merd get back. The main structure and a few systems. I'm using Kel's own designs, which they modified from the designs of CT. The person they say designed the ship and the drive system. Though I've added some design modifications of my own as well. This is perhaps even more complex than the satellites, and it will be able to make it to space on it's own, maybe even the nearer moon and back. If my math, confirmed by Clar, is right.

Kel does seem really happy with Merd, and Merd with Kel. I only hope that they have found what Clar, Hearl, and I have. They both deserve it. Well, as Kel would say. Time to get back to work. I have a shuttle to build, and some crystal to punch. It seems that, for reasons Kel cannot figure out, the crystal that has blocked and encased the engines, can be broken, if an organic being hits it. I found that I can pry, and pull, and snap chunks off. So I am working to clear one of the engine ports, which I will then extract and do maintenance on, by smashing it free of crystal.


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