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Welcome to my little corner of the universe.

I am D.C. Ballard.

Author. Tabletop Game Master.

Husband. Father. Pet Papa.

Certified and Proud Mega-Nerd. 

I write Sci-Fi/Sci-Fan, and Sci-Fi Erotica.

Any NSFW posts will be clearly marked, and any of the NAUGHTY stuff will be after the fold.


Here in this blog I will share with you, oh weary wanderer of the Internets, some of my creative endeavors.

There will be at least two ongoing, if not always regularly updated, stories. I will also post the occasional teaser and snippet from my other work, including published, and not yet published work.

>> All Content is © D.C.Ballard 2019 <<

>> All Images are to my knowledge, CC0 and are sourced from unless otherwise noted. <<

Log Entry 227-1

Writer: D.C. BallardD.C. Ballard

A picture sent back from the teams exposing the newly discovered path up the secondary peak.

It was nice to have someone else to pilot the shuttle for a bit, because it gave me a chance to focus exclusively on the sensors. Which is how I noticed what looked like an artificial pathway up the side of the second peak. We had a small team head over to what we saw and clear some of it, confirming the existence of an artificial path. It was clearly meant for walking up due to periodic bumps. They continued to clear it and it goes all the way up and then into a small cave. The teams have been instructed not to explore the cave at this time, but to expose the rest of this path. It's a good physical workout for the teams up at Sanctuary, and as they've been done with the rebuild and build-up of the village, it actually gives them something to do. I know Hearl wants to build a house for the three of them up there. I wonder if he's thinking of taking the additional modifications that would extend their lives? Frydai has, but they, Clar and Hearl, haven't spoken to either of us about it. I know Clar is nervous about tomorrow. After all the work she did to create the data-scanners, as well as overseeing the data review, recovery, and repair. That we will be spinning up the next Ancient tomorrow afternoon is nerve wracking for her. All that work is on the line. Both Frydai and I have spoken to her, trying to reassure her that she has done far more than thought possible. I reminded her that these things are ancient and it is possible that they just won't be recoverable. I don't think I got through to her, and while she listened more to Frydai, I think it was Merd who had what she needed. They went for a long walk and when they got back Clar was more relaxed. Tomorrow will tell the tale, and while I hope that everything works right, I just hope she doesn't take it too hard if there are issues or worse, this one is like the first. The final modules for the shuttle's complete fit out will be done printing some time next week. I've already started working on installing those things that are already done. It is good to get back to work on such things. Especially as it takes my mind off of wondering how Edix is doing, now that I know he is still alive out there. I just wish he had stayed online longer so we could talk. The clearing of the engine of crystal is done for the main thrusters. Now we need to clear the others. The ones of the sides and also are done. It is the ones on the belly that are the problem. I've decided to go with Hearl's suggestion. Given that I know where they are, and that there are some access ports and such I'd like to get at, we are going to dig under the module. It'll create passages underneath the module. Once the landing gear is clear, we will build up some pylons that we can then extend the gear down onto. It'll give us an actual landing spot here in the cove. Then, with the location we found on the back side of the secondary peak, we will cut a landing area where we can land the shuttle and the module and anchor them securely. Of course, those plans assume a lot, and will be determined based on the geological testing of the secondary peak that Hearl is going to do for us, just as he is doing for the main peak where Sanctuary is. Making sure that it is as secure and safe as possible for the village. He's also using the same laser used to cut the staircase to create better anchors for the houses. The big thing though will be once the survey's are done. At that point, Hearl, the Elders, and I, will sit down with some proposals to completely re-do Sanctuary with new buildings, better construction techniques, and ensuring that people will be better able to move around, even during a storm like the last one. Now I just have to convince Hearl to build a bridge to the second peak. Sadly, it was during that storm that Merd lost her previous mate. Due to that, she is very invested in improvements to Sanctuary. I think that is also why she is so uncomfortable with the idea of Frydai and I flying off in the Shuttle for days, even weeks at a time, let alone the trip to the moon to check on the rest of the ship, assuming it is even intact.So I do kind of understand it. Still, she and I need to talk it out. It will likely be months, even years before that happens.


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