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Welcome to my little corner of the universe.

I am D.C. Ballard.

Author. Tabletop Game Master.

Husband. Father. Pet Papa.

Certified and Proud Mega-Nerd. 

I write Sci-Fi/Sci-Fan, and Sci-Fi Erotica.

Any NSFW posts will be clearly marked, and any of the NAUGHTY stuff will be after the fold.


Here in this blog I will share with you, oh weary wanderer of the Internets, some of my creative endeavors.

There will be at least two ongoing, if not always regularly updated, stories. I will also post the occasional teaser and snippet from my other work, including published, and not yet published work.

>> All Content is © D.C.Ballard 2019 <<

>> All Images are to my knowledge, CC0 and are sourced from unless otherwise noted. <<

  • Writer's pictureD.C. Ballard

Log Entry 24

A Black Star. Burns so hot it's light is mostly in the Ultra-violet. Massive, dense, and hot. A terrifying and beautiful thing.

Dropped out of Jump without issues three days ago. I have spent my time ripping up the crew module. I converted two of the spare Viteză Furie state rooms into more storage. I still have a good weeks worth of work to go before I can cut the crew module loose and not feel like I should have gotten X or Y from it. Still, while it represents some additional resources, it is also a big drain on my limited resources. I have to be practical.

As for when I can go into jump again, it's going to be a month or more. I have to get clear of the impossible. A black star! An Ultra-Violet star, burning so hot that at least 95% of it's output is in the UV range. It is beautiful and terrifying. It is really dense, almost neutron star dense, yet it is not a neutron star, and has not collapsed into a black hole. It is also not small. It would be classified as a Super Giant.

Took me a day to find anything in the literature that even suggests that such a thing is possible, and it is as violent and active as the hypothesis I found suggests it would be. It is more than a light week away, and yet I am so deep in it's gravity well that it'll take almost a month to get clear of it. The system of worlds that orbit it covers nearly 10 lightyears. The scale is amazing. Nothing like it exists in the records.

Of course, the hypothesis that predicted this beautiful monster is from the same person that created the Viteză Furie and the ARC drive. That Tech was a true genius, and crazier than all hell. I've been going through his writings, in as much of a chronological order as I can make out. He was absolutely, unquestionably, insane, and brilliant. His ideas were rejected by everyone around him, which is clearly why is went into hiding. No one would take him seriously, not that I blame them, his ideas are wild. Then again. Given my current situation, the Viteză Furie, the ARC drive, and other things..., like this UV Star. I'm less inclined to dismiss his ideas as utterly bonkers, even if he as a person was.

Since I'm going to be in this system as long as I am before I can jump again, I've got the sensors studying the system in as much detail as possible. There is so much about this system that is unprecedented, it must be recorded.

Based on my path, I will even be passing very close to two different worlds of this system. Close enough that, if there is life bigger than me, I'll be able to get pictures. Though, that doesn't seem likely. Sadly the one world in the system that would likely be life supporting, at least life like me, is going to be several light days away when I pass it. Still, I'll get some really good readings. Preliminary suggests possible industrial tech, assuming a lot at this point of course, based solely on atmospheric composition.

The rip out work has been all heavy metal music, all the time. It just fits. Tearing things up. Ripping cables out of the wall, not caring if the wall itself is damaged in the process. Metal is there for me. It has actually been rather cathartic. I have been able to allow myself to get upset and smash some things, without guilt or need to worry about fixing it afterwards. Really helpful.

Oh yeah. Last thing. I found some seeds in one of the cabins, in the pre-loaded personal items. Yeah. I went through them. The people they were meant for are never going to see them again; of that I am now quite sure.

There was a lot of useful items in those personal load outs. Pocket blades, tools, writing utensils and actual paper, personal care products of various types; a few of which I have gotten a lot of use out of. That said, after I found the seeds and a small unit of soil. I created a make-shift planter, and I now have a small herb garden to go with my cooking efforts, or I will. It'll take a while for them to grow enough to harvest some, but I already have a few sprouts.

The plants will also help with some tests when it comes to what I have come to refer to as Jump stun. I'm hoping to find a way to eliminate, or at least reduce Jump stun, so I don't have to worry about the long minutes of unconsciousness associated with the Jump.

Well. Back to work. Still lots of cable, and other things to pull out of that crew module before I can say goodbye to it.

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