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Welcome to my little corner of the universe.

I am D.C. Ballard.

Author. Tabletop Game Master.

Husband. Father. Pet Papa.

Certified and Proud Mega-Nerd. 

I write Sci-Fi/Sci-Fan, and Sci-Fi Erotica.

Any NSFW posts will be clearly marked, and any of the NAUGHTY stuff will be after the fold.


Here in this blog I will share with you, oh weary wanderer of the Internets, some of my creative endeavors.

There will be at least two ongoing, if not always regularly updated, stories. I will also post the occasional teaser and snippet from my other work, including published, and not yet published work.

>> All Content is © D.C.Ballard 2019 <<

>> All Images are to my knowledge, CC0 and are sourced from unless otherwise noted. <<

  • Writer's pictureD.C. Ballard

Log Entry 33

The colors of a New Born Universe as it take shape, as the matter and anti-matter that crystallized from the energy that gave birth to it fight it out for dominance. The crystal like structures appear to be artifacts of space itself getting used to having all this new matter in it.

I've spent the last month out here in the void, just beyond the edge of a newborn universe. I've decided to name it, but I'm not sure what. I'm going to have to think on that. It is beautiful, breathtaking, watching it take shape. I am already seeing knots in the matter created from that initial moment, that initial release of energy that quickly cooled and crystallized into matter. I have detected Protons, Electrons, Neutrons, Neutrinos, etc…

I have also detected anti-matter, annihilating with the matter of this baby universe. Yet, that release of energy is having so many strange effects. I am still here, watching for many reasons. Because these first few days that I am documenting truly speak to how my own universe came into existence. Why there is matter and not anti-matter. Etc.... There is so much data possible to collect that I simply cannot turn away from it.

I decided I would drop a probe here, a monitor satellite to record everything and send it back here to the Viteză Furie. However, I realized that to do that, I first needed to print one. So that is what I am doing. Then it occurred to me that I was going to need to have a way to communicate the data being collected back to the ship. How would I do that? I'd just pair it to the ET/EC, but that isn't working. Right?

I did it as a joke with myself. I did not expect to find what I did. I really did not, or I would have done this search at the very beginning. Gods I feel like an idiot. The boards don't exist for the ET/EC, but you know what does? The entire ET/EC unit exists in the pre-programmed printer files. All the boards, all the systems that make up the ET/EC unit, all exist as part of a single print file. I cannot pull the individual files out, but I can print an entire unit and pull it apart for parts. Or simply replace the current one, transferring the settings over to the new unit.

I am printing four ET/EC units. I will have a spare, and 2 units tied into the Viteză Furie. One replacing the current, damaged unit, and another that I will use to tie the fleet of sensor probes I am having built to the Viteză Furie. I have downloaded and created backups of the entire setting and configuration suite from the current ET/EC unit, in preparation of switching over to the new unit. I have also studied up on the process of pairing the two active ET/EC units I will have, to each other, patching them into the Viteză Furie in parellel. As well as how to connect things like the satellites, and other probes, back to the Viteză Furie.

The probe I am going to leave here, beyond the edge of this fledgling universe, is going to be just one of many I am going to start leaving behind. Anywhere of true fascination is going to get one. I rather wish I could have left one behind in that UV system, or back there where that lightning bolt in space was. But this is about moving forward, and working with things as I understand them now; as I have access to them now. Dwelling on what could have been, had I this, or if I had known that. Yes, I spend a few hours a week thinking that way, but I must look forward. To wherever that next astonishingly beautiful thing is.

It is going to take weeks to print everything, and then a few weeks to get the main ET/EC transferred, testing it, and then recycling the old one. Then setting up, and hooking up to the Viteză Furie, the new ET/EC unit so that it can act as the data link between the satellite's and the Viteză Furie. Time is one thing I have lots of. So.., onward.

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