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Welcome to my little corner of the universe.

I am D.C. Ballard.

Author. Tabletop Game Master.

Husband. Father. Pet Papa.

Certified and Proud Mega-Nerd. 

I write Sci-Fi/Sci-Fan, and Sci-Fi Erotica.

Any NSFW posts will be clearly marked, and any of the NAUGHTY stuff will be after the fold.


Here in this blog I will share with you, oh weary wanderer of the Internets, some of my creative endeavors.

There will be at least two ongoing, if not always regularly updated, stories. I will also post the occasional teaser and snippet from my other work, including published, and not yet published work.

>> All Content is © D.C.Ballard 2019 <<

>> All Images are to my knowledge, CC0 and are sourced from unless otherwise noted. <<

  • Writer's pictureD.C. Ballard

Log Entry 36

Back in jump and the always amazing and beautiful displays of Jump Space.

I found something. Jumped and headed out of Trost. Lots of amazing things to see, but I have the satellites to record that. I stopped and took some pictures. Walked on a few worlds. I did. Was fun. Nice to get off the ship for a bit. Especially when I found one that was enough like home that I could breath the air.

The view out the windows in jump is just as amazing as always.

I found something. Think I said that. But I did. I found something as I was going through the various signals from the gravity sensors. I have a count of nearly 400 universe birth signals, now that I again know what I am looking at. That isn't however what I found. I found a signal. A beacon if you will. It isn't the shock-waves of the birth of a universe, though I have found those too. Lots of those. Almost 400 of those, and counting.

It is a weird thing and has me a bit beside myself. It is clearly a signal. Counting up prime numbers. The wild speculation I have caught myself doing of what could be causing it, who could be causing it.... That keeps distracting me. How old is the signal? Who created it. Are they still maintaining it, what can only be trillions upon trillions of years later. Will there even be anything there to find?

I don't know why I am even bothering to think about it. It isn't as if I even have a direction for it. It is too subtle to get a direction for it, at least not yet. I will need to triangulate it, and that is going to take a long time, even at how fast I can go. I will need to travel at least as far as I have from home to Trost, in order to get a second directional bearing on the signal.

Well, I suppose it at least gives me something to do. It gives me something to add to my focus. I do want to visit the source of such a thing, even if it is long since dead. It's going to take a long time to figure out where it is. This is kinda fun actually. A real mystery. I mean wow. To create a cycling signal of gravity waves. I cannot even imagine the tech needed to do that. The scale of such a thing. It has really captivated me.

As for the ARC drive display. It has gone dark again, now that I am away from Trost. That is to be expected. I expect it will be a while before I see anything there again. Though I am going to stop and drop a satellite once a week. Just so I have a kind of bread crumbs trail back to Trost.

I'm making a special dinner tonight. Using a big harvest from the garden, to make a pasta dish I have been reading about. I'm about two more weeks from re-establishing contact with home, assuming I did the transfer correct. If I didn't, I'll be permanently out of contact because I will have lost the ET/EC bindings. I have been careful, taking my time. It would not do me any good to go through all of this, and have a simply mistake break by ability to talk to home, permanently.

Back to work....

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