the drive....
Shit! Bok!! Skit!!! Gravity waves!?! Come on Viteză. Hold together. This is not what the tech's described. Everything weird. Readings are all wrong. Drive seems to be humming along happily, but every instrument has gone completely insane.
Okay. Slow down. Take a deep breath!
The tech's said that only a small group of sensors are going to work while in jump. Should have turned off everything else..... There. Done. Now then. Take stock of what is going on....
Seems the Jump cut off the Log, so it automatically started the next one. I'm okay with that. Let's see. Sensors say we are in jump, and did so cleanly. So... Were those gravity wave readings just an artifact of the drive activation? I guess I'll have to ask the tech's once I get to Kohelic. If I get to Kohelic. The readings are still not what they said I should see.
Then again. It isn't as if the tech's actually know what I am going to see. None of the robotic probes were able to provide more than a few seconds of data, and I'm several minutes in at this point. Oh! Twenty actually. I'll have to check the med read outs. Confirm if I lost consciousness. The tech's said I might during the first jump because my brain isn't able to process the jump itself. Described it kinda like a reboot, only you'd pick up right were you left off, mentally.
Readings on the jump sensors is still weird, but what do I know. There is no guide for what I should actually see. It is all just pure speculation on the part of the Tech's. Need to stay in jump for three days. Drop out and confirm location, then complete the jump to Kohelic. Figure I'll drop out after two days, as I was doing .3c faster than their calculations, and that could explain the weird readings. I'm just going faster. They did say speed is a factor.
I almost hope I overshoot Kohelic on the first jump and have to back-track. Add another record to the belt.
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Archivists Note:
It has been 1200 standard years since the Viteză Furie entered jump in non-smooth space due to the unexpected gravitational shock waves of a Nova more than 5000 light years distant. The light from that Nova wasn't seen for another three weeks.
This Log Entry from the Viteză Furie and it's Captain were received by ET/EC comm unexpectedly. While the world has rejoiced, there is still some question as to the actual survival of the Viteză Furie and it's captain.
The ET/EC comm unit bound to the Viteză Furie was on display, along with the four known Log Entries; when a visitor noticed that it had become active and was receiving data. The data stream is extremely slow and attenuated, but Tech's have managed to clean up the signal and capture this first Log Entry received since the Viteză Furie jumped. It took three weeks for this Log Entry to arrive, instead of the .001 seconds it would have been expected to take.
There is much hope that additional entries will come in, allowing the Tech's to at least determine where the Viteză Furie ended up.